12/19 Sat 14:00 【燦爛夜光電影專題講座】泰北孤軍一、二部曲連映


   14:00-15:20 邊城啟示錄
   15:30-17:00 南國小兵




Documentary Screening
December 19th (Sat) at 燦爛時光:東南亞主題書店
14:00 Boundary Reveletion
15:30 Southland Soldier
* After-screening discussion with director Lee Li Shao
*Entrance fee: 100NTD each film (200NTD for both)


《邊城啟示錄|Boundary Revelation》


1949 年,中國共產黨,全面佔領中國,戰敗的國民黨一路撤退到台灣,但最後一批撤出的國民黨部隊,仍埋藏在泰緬山區的叢林之中待命。1961 年,在聯合國的壓力下,被要求撤軍回台,而此時卻接獲蔣介石的密令,要他們明撤暗留,等待時機反攻大陸;然而這一等就是50 年,他們在泰北成了名符其實的孤軍。



Based in northern Thailand near the Burma border, they had to fight for the right to remain
When their descendants made it to the fabled homeland of Taiwan, they were just as marginal

In 1949, the Chinese Party of China occupied the whole of mainland China, and the Nationalist Party of China, commonly known as the Kuomintang, retreated to Taiwan. But not all nationalist forces crossed the Taiwan Strait. Some went into hiding, waiting in the jungles of northern Burma and Thailand for orders from Taiwan. In 1961, the United Nations put pressure on the Republic of China on Taiwan to withdraw its troops from Burma; President Chiang Kai-shek sent a secret order, telling a contingent to keep hiding out in the jungle and wait until the time was ripe to “retake mainland China” from the communists. They ended up waiting for fifty years. Once a secret army, they became a lost army.

Without support from Taiwan, the soldiers in the lost army were strangers in a strange land, stateless persons in northern Thailand. They had to put their lives on the line — even to bleed — in order to get Thai citizenship.

Their story is a historical tragedy. A sense of displacement shaped their national identity, and their children, though born in Thailand, yearned for a faraway home: Taiwan. They dreamed of ‘returning’ to the ‘ancestral land’ of Taiwan, but when they got there they were treated as ‘illegal aliens’. They’ve been fighting for fifty years. Maybe at the end of the day it’s hard to say who the real enemy is, and where their true country lies.

Creative inspiration:
The story of Chiang Kai-shek’s secret army has never been fully told, has never been completely integrated into Thai, Taiwanese or Chinese history. It is the story of a secret army that, abandoned by the Republic of China, became a lost army and finally a mercenary army whose descendants are still fighting today. Telling their story, for Director Lee Li-Shao, is a way of probing the historical contradictions and ideological absurdities of identity. At a time when national and personal identity is a muddle, when Taiwan suffers from a crisis of confidence, Director Lee offers this revelatory record of patriotic soldiers and disillusioned sons.


《南國小兵|Southland Soldiers》


在台灣的屏東和高雄交界之處,有一群幾乎為人所遺忘的老兵,他們是1961年,最後一­批從緬甸撤回台灣的游擊部隊 號稱雲南人民反共救國軍,他們在南台灣的荖濃溪畔的四個村落中落腳,過著與世隔絕的日子。

這群游擊隊中的女人與小孩, 擔當著反攻大陸滇緬游擊戰的特殊任務,為了求生存, 馬有福,10歳加入了游擊隊,扛著比人高的步槍遊走山野中 ; 趙全英,15歳加入游擊隊,擔任女政工,負責游擊戰時的文宣及勞軍工作。




On the border of Pingtung and Kaohsiung live a number of veterans, who are almost forgotten by the world. Belonged to an army known as Yunnan Anti-Communist National Salvation Army, they were the last guerrillas to retreat from Burma to Taiwan during the Chinese Civil War in 1961.

Coming to Taiwan, they settled down and lived in virtual seclusion from the world in four villages by the Laonung River in the south of the island.
As kids, still, they couldn’t escape the fate of fighting those Communists.

To survive, Ma, You-Fu had no choice but to join the guerillas at the age of ten and carried a riffle taller than he was in the mountains; Zhao, Quan-Ying joined the troop as a political officer at 15 and took on the responsibilities of propaganda and troop-cheering activities.

When most kids were at home safe and sound with their parents, these child guerillas had to fight and run in the hot, humid rainforest, striving hard for survival in this tug-of-war with Death.

Over the past 50 years, with each of their own religious belief and view of life, they settled down by the desolate riverside full of cobbles. They started from scratch, developing the area, and grew old.

Today, for the sake of economic development, gravel trucks are thundering back and forth around the villages to ship away the gravel. excavator s are here digging one and another gigantic uncanny holes on their dear land.

To these old soldiers in the south of the country, those days of forest battles have long faded away, while another silent inner war just began as they face all these changes now.


【關於導演|About Director】

1998年開始拍攝紀錄片至今,累積二十餘部長短作品,曾四度獲金穗獎 .四度獲台灣地方志影展獎項,五度入圍台北電影節.四度入選台灣國際紀錄片雙年展, 及德國奧柏豪森影展.義大利佛羅倫斯紀錄影展…等 主要作品有 :

1935墩仔腳大地震 .彩虹的孩子在跳舞. 等待 . 茉莉亞的小島 . 迴旋曲..等, 作品擅長描繪邊緣族群,探討游移在生存邊界線及階級的人物狀態

近年致力於”滇緬游擊隊三部曲”的製作, 首部曲 ”邊城啟示錄”探討國族認同及歷史矛盾問題,獲紀錄片雙年展台灣獎,並入圍金馬獎及各大小影展等,現正進行第三部曲 “那山人這山事”的後期製作.

Lee Li-Shao

Graduated from the Department of Broadcasting and TV, Shih-shin University, and studying at Beijing Film School

Has shot, written and directed numerous documentary films and drama which were awarded or selected for screening at various film festivals in Taiwan.