2/19 Sun 14:30 【燦爛馬幫】張雯勤「走夷方」:當代泰緬馬幫貿易


時間:2/19 Sun 2:30 pm




講者提出「跨境民間」(transborder popular realm)的概念來指涉、分析活動空間內(activity space)人、事、物的連結性,以及其不斷變異的時間過程;在這個概念下,民間不再被侷限於國家疆界內,中心與邊緣、合法與非法也不再是固定的二元對峙;同時,邊境是對外開放的起點,一個充滿混和、不明與創造力的場域。



以「開弓就沒有回頭箭」形容「走夷方」再貼切不過。夷方路上一山分四季,十裡不同天。一路前行,一會兒冷一會兒熱,身體素質不行的很容易就犯個頭疼腦熱的。路上,無論是日頂中燒,或是忽而寒風襲來,馬幫都得風雨無阻地前行。(摘自:窮走夷方急走廠,有女莫嫁綺羅鄉 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_59b7078f0102e2v8.html




1. Eric Tagliacozzo and Wen-Chin Chang, eds. (2011) Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities, and Networks in Southeast Asia. Durham: Duke University Press. 534pp.

2. Wen-Chin Chang and Eric Tagliacozzo, eds. (2014) Burmese Lives: Ordinary Life Stories under the Burmese Regime. New York: Oxford University Press. 268 pp.

3. Wen-Chin Chang. (2014) Beyond Borders: Stories of Yunnanese Migrants of Burma. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 296 pp.


期刊論文 Journal papers
1. Chang Wen-Chin (2013) “The Everyday Politics of the Underground Trade by the Migrant Yunnanese Chinese in Burma since the Socialist Era.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 44(2):292-314. (Cambridge University Press) (peer reviewed/有審查)

2. Chang Wen-Chin (2009) “Venturing into ‘Barbarous’ Regions: Trans-border Trade among Migrant Yunnanese between Thailand and Burma, 1960-1980s.” The Journal of Asian Studies, 68 (2): 543-572. (Cambridge University Press) (peer reviewed/有審查)

3. Chang Wen-Chin (2008) “The Interstitial Subjectivities of the Yunnanese Chinese in Thailand.” The Asia-Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 9 (2): 97-122. (Routledge Press) (peer reviewed/有審查)

4. Chang Wen-Chin (2006b) “The Trading Culture of Jade Stones among the Yunnanese in Burma and Thailand, 1962-1988.” Journal of Chinese Overseas, 2(2): 269-293. (Brill) (peer reviewed/有審查)

5. Chang Wen-Chin (2006a) “Home away from Home: The Migrant Yunnanese in Northern Thailand.” International Journal of Asian Studies, 3(1), 49-76. (Cambridge University Press) (peer reviewed/有審查)

6. Chang Wen-Chin (2005) “Invisible Warriors: The Migrant Yunnanese Women in Northern Thailand.” Kolor: Journal on Moving Communities, 5(2): 49-70. (Joint publication by the FOYER) (peer reviewed/有審查)

7. Chang Wen-Chin (2004) “Guanxi and Regulation in Network: The Yunnanese Jade Trade between Burma and Thailand, 1962-88.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 35 (3): 479-501. (Cambridge University Press) (peer reviewed/有審查)

8. Chang Wen-Chin (2003) “Three Yunnanese Jade Traders from Tengchong.” Kolor, Journal on Moving Communities, 3(1):15-34. (Joint publication by the FOYER) (peer reviewed/有審查)

9. Chang Wen-Chin (2002b) “Identification of Leadership among the KMT Yunnanese Chinese in Northern Thailand.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 33(1):123-146. (Cambridge University Press) (peer reviewed/有審查)

10. 張雯勤 (2002a) 「從難民到移民的跨越─再論泰北前國民黨雲南人遷移模式的轉變」,海華與東南亞研究,第二卷第一期,頁47-73。(peer reviewed/有審查)

11. Chang Wen-Chin (2001) “From War Refugees to Immigrants: The Case of the KMT Yunnanese Chinese in Northern Thailand.” International Migration Review, 35(4):1086-1105. (Center for Migration Studies Publications) (peer reviewed/有審查)


專書之一章 Book chapters
1. Chang Wen-Chin (2015) “Circulations via Tangyan, a Town in the Northern Shan State of Burma.” In Asia Inside Out: Connected Places. Eric Tagliacozzo, Helen Siu and Peter Perdue, eds. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Pp. 243-270. (reviewed/有審查)

2. Wen-Chin Chang (2014) “By Sea and by Land: Stories of Two Chinese Traders.” In Burmese Lives: Ordinary Life Stories under the Burmese Regime. Wen-Chin Chang and Eric Tagliacozzo, eds. Oxford University Press. Pp. 174-199. (reviewed/有審查)

3. Eric Tagliacozzo and Wen-Chin Chang (2014) “Introduction: Burmese Lives in a Divided State.” In Burmese Lives: Ordinary Life Stories under the Burmese Regime. Wen-Chin Chang and Eric Tagliacozzo, eds. NewYork: Oxford University Press. Pp. 3-21. (reviewed/有審查)

4. Wen-Chin Chang (2011) “From a Shiji Episode to the Forbidden Jade Trade during the Socialist Regime in Burma.” In Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities, and Networks in Southeast Asia, Eric Tagliacozzo and Wen-Chin Chang, eds. Durham: Duke University Press. Pp. 455-479. (reviewed/有審查)

5. Wen-Chin Chang and Eric Tagliacozzo (2011) “Introduction: The Arc of Historical Commercial Relations between China and Southeast Asia.” In Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities, and Networks in Southeast Asia, Eric Tagliacozzo and Wen-Chin Chang, eds. Durham: Duke University Press. Pp. 1-17. (reviewed/有審查)

6. Wen-Chin Chang (2006b) “Invisible Warriors: The Migrant Yunnanese Women in Northern Thailand.” In The Frontiers of Southeast Asia and Pacific Studies, Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, ed. Taipei: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica. Pp. 35-61. (originally published in Kolor: Journal on Moving Communities, 5(2): 49-70.) (reviewed/有審查)

7. 張雯勤 (2006a) 遇見田野遇見官僚體制」,田野的技藝,郭佩宜、王宏仁編,台北:巨流出版社。頁29-55。

8. Chang Wen-Chin (1998) “The Kuomintang Yunnanese Chinese of Northern Thailand.” In The Dynamic of Emerging Ethnicities, Johan Leman, ed. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. pp. 35-55. (reviewed/有審查)

9. 張雯勤 (2003) 「從旅行到田野研究:談田野調查與參與觀察」,質性研究方法與資料分析,齊力、林本炫編。嘉義:南華大學教育社會學研究所。頁73-93。
其他 Miscellaneous (2010~2014)

Book review:金三角國軍血淚史 1950-1981 (The tragic history of the KMT troops in the Golden Triangle, 1950-1981),覃怡輝,台北:聯經出版社,2009. 480pp. Reviewed by Wen-Chin Chang, March 15, 2010, New Frontiers in Asian Scholarship, Harvard-Yenching Institute, New Frontiers in Asian Scholarship, http://hyi.scribo.harvard.edu/……/the-tragic……/

Film review: “Roma Stories”, 2003, filmed by Japigia Gagi. Review by Wen-Chin Chang, Guava anthropology, 2013/09/26, http://guavanthropology.tw/article/5396