9/25 Sun 19:00 【馬來西亞系列】文家明:從葛蘭西學派的左翼觀點審視當今馬來西亞(英文演講,現場中文口譯)

Gramscian Questions & Reflections on Malaysia today

共同主辦:政治大學南風四重奏計畫 X 萊佛士花讀書大會 X 燦爛時光
時間:2016/9/25 Sun 7:00 pm
講者:文家明(Boon Kia Meng)


Many commentators have described Malaysia today as being in a state of crisis. Some have invoked Gramsci’s concept of an ‘organic crisis’ to describe the present state of affairs, especially since the political developments of the last two general elections in 2008 & 2013.

My presentation seeks to deepen this Gramscian analysis of the Malaysian context, raising questions on what left or progressive forces in Malaysia must confront in building an alternative or counter-hegemonic movement in Malaysia.

許多評論人形容現今馬來西亞處於危機狀態,有些則引用葛蘭西的「有機危機(Organic Crisis)」概念,來形容現今馬來西亞狀況,尤其是指2008年及2013年大選後的政治發展局勢來進行分析。



Boon Kia Meng is currently a PhD candidate at the Graduate School of Asian & African Area Studies, Kyoto University, Japan. He is a founding member of the Left Coalition in Malaysia, was active in the Occupy

Dataran movement in KL, and an award-winning documentary filmmaker of ‘M-C-M’: Utopia Milik Siapa?’, a film on debt, capitalism & housing in Kuala Lumpur.


文家明Boon Kia Meng)現為京都大學亞洲及非洲區域研究所博士候選人之一,同時也是馬來西亞左翼聯盟發起成員之一,曾活躍在2011年佔領馬來西亞獨立廣場運動(Occupy Dataran)中。他也曾製作一部命名為《M-C-M:誰的天堂?》的獲獎紀錄片,探討吉隆坡市房屋住宅、債務及資本主義運作模式等問題。



1. M-C-M’: Utopia Milik Siapa?

2. Film Review: Kuala Lumpur SDN. BHD.