11/03 Sun 19:00 ▲燦爛香港▲「未存在的故鄉」系列第三部:移・住・迴旋(放映及映後座談)

◼︎ 時間:2019年11月3日(日)19:00~22:30
◼︎ 地點:燦爛時光東南亞主題書店(新北市中和區興南路一段135巷1號,MRT南勢角站4號出口右轉三分鐘)
◼︎ 入場費:$200(連續參加兩場優惠為$300)
◼︎ 與談人:李維怡

「未存在的故鄉」計劃小組成員 ,這十幾年主要從事紀錄片創作、錄像藝術教育、各種基層平權運動,影像藝術團體〔影行者〕成員。最近參與的錄像創作:「舊區五元素」系列、「未存在的故鄉」系列。文字耕作之出版:《行路難》、《沉香》、《短衣夜行紀》。(現場並有相關展售喔!)
【未存在的故鄉】系列第三部【移・住・迴旋】| exodus of nowhere. episode 3: rondo for the dis/placed
共同創作:吳以諾、胡家偉、李維怡|製作:影行者|語言:普通話、廣東話、印尼國語、馬拉國語、英語、荷語、福建話 | 2015 | 香港 | 200分|彩色
co-creation / editing / filmming: enoch ng, kelvin wu, lee waiyi | production: v-artivist | language: mandarin, cantonese, bahasa indonesia, bahasa malaysia, english, dutch, hokkien (with chinese and english subtitles) | 2015 | hong kong | 210min
一堆長達三百年,跨越歐亞地區,關於小人物們希望與失落、壓迫與反抗、冷漠與熱情的故事。在各種權力的擠壓之下,任何一個[我]的命運和自我意識, 都處於斷裂與連續、知與未知、移與住之間,不停往返。又有誰可以全知視角觀之述之?唯有回歸真誠,以越界敘述越界;用斷裂表現斷裂。
影片透過[迴旋]、[變奏]、[ 間奏]組成一系列非線性、虛實相間的敘事,以評述式紀錄片的形式來成就一齣非評述式紀錄片。每章每節都有其獨立性,但亦互相指涉,展現一系列移民、邊境、貧富懸殊、殖民、性別政治、資本全球化與族群政治之間千絲萬縷的故事網絡。
【Introduction in English】
Exodus of nowhere. episode 3: rondo for the dis/placed
“we” makes the base of ethnic politics. “we” is the base of tyranny which makes use of ethnic and identity politics. meanwhile, “we” is also where we place ourselves and carry out pursuits. actually, “we” has always been a hardly definable word, somewhere not yet existed.
Stories about the multitudes’ hope and disappointment, oppression and resistance, indifference and enthusiasm, happened across the eurasian continent in the past three hundred years. under various sorts of oppressions, the fate and self-consciousness of any “i” are forced to roll between fragmentation and continuity, between certainty and uncertainty, and between migration and settlement . rondo as “i” is in, who can tell their stories from a omniscient viewpoint? only shall we return sincerity, to narrate line-cross by crossing lines, to depict fragmentation by fragmentization.
The film is a series of non-linear and (dis)illusory narratives composed by “rondo”, “variation” and “intermezzo”. by using a commentary style, this film tries to actualize a non-commentary documentary. each chapter could be viewed independently while intertwining with each other, revealing a narrative network constituted by migration, border-crossing, wealth disparity , colonization, gender politics, capitalistic globalization and ethnic politics.