2/24 Sat 14:30 {東南亞表演藝術專題}Melati:印尼宮廷舞


時間:2/24 Sat 2:30 pm



Yogyakarta is one of the 34 provinces in Indonesia. The province is a special region because it is governed by a monarchy, the one and only in Indonesia. The Sultan of Yogyakarta is also the Governor of the province. The Pakualam, the vassal of Yogyakarta Sultanate, becomes the Vice Governor.

A Javanese kingdom has a sacred dance called Bedaya. There are nine dancers who danced the Bedaya. The number of the dancers signifies the perfect value (being nine is the highest single number). The dance is laden with myths and symbols. It is sacred and the King is the owner of the dance. The dance depicts a romantic relationship between the King who reign over the Javanese land and the Goddess of Southern Sea who ruled the southern ocean of Java.

We will see how the myth is embodied in the dance and how the young generation reinterpret this this sacred dance.

Anastasia Melati Listyorini is a doctoral student at the Department of Dance, Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA). She hails from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. She is a court dancer at the Paku Alam palace in Yogyakarta, a profession she has been doing since 1994. Her doctoral research at TNUA is on the historical discourse of female body in Javanese dance.

影片預告: https://goo.gl/KziBUH