6/15 Sat 14:30 ▲燦爛舞蹈▲快閃舞蹈+影音製作工作坊


時間:6/15 Sat 2:30 pm
講者:Sarah Lajoie-Asselin (加拿大影片製作人和DJ)、Marwa C. Golden (台灣舞者與出版工作者)


Sarah Lajoie-Asselin 是一位來自魁北克法國特區的電影年輕女孩,以輕盈奔放的創作巧思與影片製作專業,受邀到世界各地協助拍攝廣告片與電影,她的影片訴說著對地球生態和不同族群的人文關懷與獨特詮釋。2019年5月她來到台灣,協助Marwa的學校畢業製作作和舞蹈作品出版。

Marwa C. Golden 將在本活動分享她的旅行和教授戶外快閃舞蹈。她是台灣北漂再漂到國外的流浪舞者,編舞像喝水一樣自然的邊緣偽人類。舞團退休後Marwa選擇當有機拾花人,並於2017年於南加州的一個馬牧場結識Sarah,意外受傷提前開啟了她的狂想寫作旅程。從輪椅上站起來後的某天,她用臉書向Sarah提到一個可能發生的夢想。

當然,如您所見,她們真的一起幹了這件事! 他們怎麼辦到的呢?邀請您來到這裡,看看聽聽,在流動的愉悅中跳舞!




Does your family have rebellious and confused teenagers? Please come here to know Sarah.

Sarah Lajoie-Asselin is a young girl from the French SAR of Quebec. She is a light and unrestrained creator and professional Film maker. She is invited to assist in the production of commercials and films around the world. Her film tells about the ecology of the earth and the humanities of different ethnic groups, she care and unique interpretation. In May 2019, she comes to Taiwan to assist her friend Marwa’s school graduation dance production.

In this lecture, Sarah will share her study experience before she was under the age of 20, and the experience of she went abroad to exchange accommodation. The amazing process is enough to inspire young people who own the dreams but not complete yet. Sarah will share some works of her film to Taiwan audience!

Marwa C. Golden will share her travel and hold a workshop for dance outdoor in this event. Marwa is the choreographer who works as easy as the water waves, she is a wandering dancer who drifts to the north of Taiwan. After she retired from the dance group, she chose to be an organic flower gardener. In 2017, she met Sarah in a horse ranch of Southern CA. The accidental injury opened her writing journey ahead of time. One day, she said a possible dream to Sarah.

Of course, as you can see, they really did something to make to dream come true! How they done it? Come to here! Let’s share the stories and dance and joy.

#The first one is a mix of all my work ! And the second a trailer of my short film ! And there’s some lyrics in english so thats perfect

Sarah 20190519
