9/21 Wed 10:30 「異鄉人關心異鄉人:臺商帶一本看不懂得書回臺灣」記者會

A Press Conference Media Invitation

“Foreigners Care for Foreigners – Bringing Back Books that you cannot read to Taiwan”

「異鄉人關心異鄉人:臺商帶一本看不懂得書回臺灣」記者會 採訪通知

Press Conference Date: 10:30 am, September 21,2016
記者會日期:9月21日 上午10:30
Location: Overseas Chinese Culture and Education Foundation (7th Floor, No. 30 Gongyaun Rd. )

Ruan, Ting used to work in the tourism business in Vietnam. Fifteen years ago, she married a Taiwanese and moved to Taiwan with her husband.

Because Ruan obtains a college degree, she writes news articles for numerous news publications. Although some of her colleagues are from her home country, the only way to relief the feeling of homesickness is to read books from back home. After Ruan gave birth to her first child, she started teaching her child Vietnamese. Meanwhile, her husband and his family supported her by learning Vietnamese themselves. As her child gets older, Ruan realized that there weren’t any Vietnamese children’s books available in Taiwan other than books brought back from her family’s occasion visits. Ruan is truly grateful that her family is able to visit and bring books to Taiwan. However, many of the Southeast Asian foreigners who married to Taiwan, aren’t as lucky. Ruan is willing to explain this phenomenon at the press conference.


Every Sunday, the book barrowing service is available at the F24 in Taipei Train Station. Although the Southeast Asia Text Book Association has already established 40 book barrowing locations, the book demand far surpasses the amount of the books available.


The World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce (WTCC) and Lin, Jian-Song of the Education and Culture Committee initiated the Foreigners Care for foreigners – Brining Back Books That You Cannot Read to Taiwan movement. The President of the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce Li, Yao- Syong said that there are currently 40 thousand members. Although the members are located all over the world, the majority of them are cross-countries corporates who are wiling to request their employees to help participating the movement and become a book carrier. Moreover, the Chairman of Overseas Chinese Culture and Education Foundation Wu, Song-Po, being South African Chinese himself, personally asked overseas foreigner exchange students to compile books from their home and donate these books in Taiwan while taking summer or winter vacations in Taiwan.

Committee Lin, Jian-Song hopes to invite international traveler to join the movement in order to help achieving the goal of collecting another five thousand books in the library while establishing more book barrowing locations.

世界臺灣商會聯合總會 教育文化委員會林見松主委發起「異鄉人關心異鄉人-臺商帶一本看不懂得書回臺灣」活動。臺商會總會長李耀熊表示目前會員有4萬多人,雖然分布在世界各地,但大部分是跨國企業,很樂意號召會員與公司幹部帶書回臺。海華文教基金會吳松柏董事長是南非僑領,也出面邀請僑生寒暑假返僑居地整理家中的書帶回臺。


時間 內容Even Schedule
10:20 報到Reception
10:30 記者會開始 Press Conference Begin
放映影片Video introduction
致詞 Speech

President of the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce Li, Yao- Syong
Sponsor Committee Lin, Jian-Song
Organizer Chairman Wu Song-Bo
Recipient Director Chang, Cheng Li
Legislator Lin, Li-Chan
Chung, Chia-Pin
Special Speaker Ruan, Ting
Donation Ceremony
臺商總會 李耀熊總會長
活動發起人 林見松主任委員
籌畫單位 吳松柏董事長
受贈單位 張正理事長
立法委員 林麗蟬
現身說法 阮舒婷媽媽
記者Q & A Q&A Session
11:00 活動結束 End

新聞聯絡人:石儀文 0931-256511
蘇瓊華 0932-310568