9/29 Sun 11:00 2019移民工文學獎頒獎典禮 Awards Ceremony of TLAM

🎊 第六屆移民工文學獎頒獎典禮 🎊


10:40-11:00 與會來賓入場
11:00-11:03 貴賓介紹
11:03-11:10 開場表演
11:10-11:30 貴賓致詞
11:30-12:10 頒獎
12:10-12:40 合影、媒體採訪、用餐
12:40-13:50 巨木群棧道生態導覽(如當天下雨取消)
14:00-14:07 搭乘小火車至阿里山火車站
14:30 集體下山

🎊 Awards Ceremony of Taiwan Literature Award for Migrants 🎊

📍Date|29 September 2019, Sunday 11 am
📍Venue|Alishan National Forest Recreation Area(Xianglin Sacred Tree)

10:40-11:00 Admission
11:00-11:03 Guest Introduction
11:03-11:10 Performance
11:10-11:30 Addresses by Honorable Guests
11:30-12:10 Present the award
12:10-12:40 Group photo, interview and having lunch
12:40-13:50 Forest Guide (cancelled in rainy days)
14:00-14:07 Take the train to Alishan Railway Station
14:30 Return trip
贊助單位|文化部、和碩聯合科技、民主基金會、誠致教育基金會、 富邦文教基金會、杜克故事實驗室、西聯匯款、勞動部勞動力發展署